New Puppy? I can help!

Having a new puppy in the house can be such an exciting time! It can also be challenging and overwhelming. I am here to help get your newest family member settled in, safely and happily. Together, we will set up a safe and cozy living space and sleeping area. We will also talk about house training, crate training and how to develop a great routine. The most challenging part is often the behavior that gives dogs a bad reputation -- biting, jumping and chewing. This is normal for them initially, but I can teach you ways to manage it while creating good habits. I use positive reinforcement methods to reinforce appropriate behavior, utilizing food, toys, praise, and life-rewards. I will teach you how to ignore/interrupt/redirect behaviors you do not like. My goal is to help you develop a strong relationship with your dog, built on trust, commitment, boundaries, consistency and love. If you are ready to em(bark) on this new adventure, contact me. I can’t wait to meet you. 

Behavior Problem? I can help!

A dog's behavioral problems often correspond with a lack of socialization at a young age, inadequate training, or a lifestyle change. Whatever the reason, you can still guide your dog to learn appropriate behavior.  Some of the behaviors I can help with: 

  • Shy or scared dog around people or other dogs

  • Jumping

  • Playing too roughly

  • Chewing and biting

  • Submissive Urination

  • Pulling on the leash

  • Not coming when called

 If you don’t see what you need, please still feel free to contact me, and I will be happy to refer you to a specialist. 

Off Leash Training? I can help!

One of the best parts about living in the Bay Area is all the beautiful hiking right in our backyard. It’s a great way to get some exercise for you, and it’s even better in the company of a dog. It’s not always easy to take your dog out on the trails. Sometimes your dog can become nervous and intimidated by other dogs and/or people. Or you might experience the opposite -your dog has too much energy and jumps on people and/or plays too rough. For this service, I will show you how to guide your dog in a safe, controlled and positive experience while walking. By advocating for your dog and listening to his/her signals, I am positive that both of you will enjoy hiking, stress-free!
